how to create recursive title
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How to create a recursive title. I plan to have many (do loop) plot, where I would like to have a dynamic title, where the "loni" and "lati" changing.
I.e. loni =94.98 and lati=0.25 I have encounter error, due to not sure where I put the '
Thank you
eval(['title ( '' Equatorial Pacific : Lon:' loni ' E Lat:' lati ' N);'''])
Accepted Answer
John D'Errico
on 18 Mar 2020
Edited: John D'Errico
on 18 Mar 2020
Slow down. This has absolutely nothing to do with recusrsion. Next, there is absolutely no need to use eval. You are making things WAY too complicated.
You want to create a title that looks like this:
Equatorial Pacific : Lon: 94.98 E Lat: 0.25 N
Given inputs of lati and loni as variables. So, first, can you create that string? You could do so as simply as this:
titlstr = ['Equatorial Pacific : Lon: ',num2str(loni),' E Lat: ',num2str(lati),' N'];
Then just call title using that input.
As simple as those two lines. There is nothing remotely recursive about it, nor is there any need for eval.
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