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Plot not showing both functions

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cTroels on 28 Feb 2020
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
I have this function:
function [Gamma,Beta] = Vinkel2(Dag,Tid)
Tid = -12:1:12; % Let
Dag = [171 355];
Phi = 56.26992;
Omega = 15*Tid;
Delta1 = 23.45*sind(360*(284+Dag(1))/365);
Theta_z1 = acosd(cosd(Phi)*cosd(Delta1)*cosd(Omega)+sind(Phi)*sind(Delta1));
Gamma1 = Sign_Omega(Omega)*(acosd(((cosd(Theta_z1)*sind(Phi))-sind(Delta1))/(sind(Theta_z1)*cosd(Phi))));
Beta1 = Theta_z1;
plot(Tid, Beta1, Tid, Gamma1)
hold on
Delta2 = 23.45*sind(360*(284+Dag(2))/365);
Theta_z2 = acosd(cosd(Phi)*cosd(Delta2)*cosd(Omega)+sind(Phi)*sind(Delta2));
Gamma2 = Sign_Omega(Omega)*(acosd(((cosd(Theta_z2)*sind(Phi))-sind(Delta2))/(sind(Theta_z2)*cosd(Phi))));
Beta2 = Theta_z2;
plot(Tid, Beta2, Tid, Gamma2)
legend('Dag = 171','Dag = 355');
hold off
The plot shows Beta1 and Beta2, however Gamma1 and Gamma2 doesnt show.
I can calculate the correct values of gamma using this function, so why doesnt i show?
Futhermore, matlab tells me that my input and output arguments are unused.
Please help, i have no clue! :-)
cTroels on 29 Feb 2020
Figured it out. I needed to use ./ instead of just /
Thank you for the help!
Adam on 2 Mar 2020
Just for info, not relevant to the problem at hand, but since it was mentioned
doc sign
will do what your Sign_Omega function does. Although you did name it well enough that I correctly guessed what it should do, which is always the sign of a well-named function!

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