Processing EMG data in MATLAB?
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Hi all,
I am VERY new to MATLAB, so please excuse my ignorance if this is a very novice problem. I am analysing EMG signals, I have imported from my data from xlsx as time (X) and voltage (y).
After extracting data;
set(0, 'defaultFigureToolbar', 'none')
T1_10rm_BS_1 = xlsread('T1_70%_10rm_BS_1.xlsx','Sheet3','A5:E77494');
time = T1_10rm_BS_1(:,1);
BS_RF_1 = T1_10rm_BS_1(:,4);
BS_BF_1 = T1_10rm_BS_1(:,5);
T1_10rm_BS_2 = xlsread('T1_70%_10rm_BS_2.xlsx', 'Sheet4','A5:E78394');
time = T1_10rm_BS_2(:,1);
BS_RF_2 = T1_10rm_BS_2(:,4);
BS_BF_2 = T1_10rm_BS_2(:,5);
running filters;
% Lowpass filter 500Hz
Freq = 1500;
NyqFreq = Freq/2;
Lowpass = 500;
Wn = Lowpass/NyqFreq;
[B,A] = butter (4,Wn,'low');
% run filter
BS_RF_1_low_filtered = filtfilt(B,A,BS_RF_1);
BS_BF_1_low_filtered = filtfilt(B,A,BS_BF_1);
BS_RF_2_low_filtered = filtfilt(B,A,BS_RF_2);
BS_BF_2_low_filtered = filtfilt(B,A,BS_BF_2);
% Highpass filter 10Hz
Highpass = 10;
Wo = Highpass/NyqFreq;
[D,C] = butter (4,Wo,'high');
% run filter
high_pass_BS_RF_1_filtdata = filtfilt(D,C,BS_RF_1_low_filtered);
high_pass_BS_BF_1_filtdata = filtfilt(D,C,BS_BF_1_low_filtered);
high_pass_BS_RF_2_filtdata = filtfilt(D,C,BS_RF_2_low_filtered);
high_pass_BS_BF_2_filtdata = filtfilt(D,C,BS_BF_2_low_filtered);
% Full wave rectification of EMG
filtered_BS_RF_1 = abs(high_pass_BS_RF_1_filtdata);
filtered_BS_BF_1 = abs(high_pass_BS_BF_1_filtdata);
filtered_BS_RF_2 = abs(high_pass_BS_RF_2_filtdata);
filtered_BS_BF_2 = abs(high_pass_BS_BF_2_filtdata);
% Linear envelope (2Hz lowpass)
LP = 2;
Wp = LP/NyqFreq;
[F,E] = butter (4,Wp,'low');
linear_BS_RF_1 = filtfilt(F,E,filtered_BS_RF_1);
linear_BS_BF_1 = filtfilt(F,E,filtered_BS_BF_1);
linear_BS_RF_2 = filtfilt(F,E,filtered_BS_RF_2);
linear_BS_BF_2 = filtfilt(F,E,filtered_BS_BF_2);
and generating my plot (for BS_RF_1);

I am now struggling to try and find the area under the curve for my set of 10 repetitions.
I am looking to define mean activation and peak activation.
All constructive help welcome,
on 4 Sep 2022
@Tom Nickolay Hi,
I'm also stuck in the same EMG signals assignment. Did you complete that assignment ?
If you did, can you please share the code here. It'd be very helpful.
on 11 Aug 2024
NO i also want the EMG signal for my miniproject but i did not yet have the perfect code for it if you have any EMG code please share it .its very help ful for me
Accepted Answer
on 25 Feb 2020
Edited: Aquatris
on 25 Feb 2020
I think you are looking for the function cumtrapz, here is the link.
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