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How to get the object handle of gui which is not running and change some property??

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi guys!!
I have two GUIs namely GUI 'A' and 'B'. On clicking a pushbotton on GUI A, string of editable text on GUI 'B' should be changed. I tried too many methods , but not got the desired results.
Thanks in advance..
Ahmed Anas
Ahmed Anas on 31 Jan 2020
Adam, it seems interesting, am developing an app using matlab guide and continuously facing such problems. Kindly provide me some example about such usage.
and Thanks for the info.

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 31 Jan 2020
See the latter portion of this FAQ entry, namely the part that says "Sharing between multiple GUIs."


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