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data cursor to show datestr instead of datenum for a figure created in appdesigner

2 views (last 30 days)
I included a figure in my App (app.UIAxes). The x-axis is a datenum and I did format it to show time (HH:mm) using datetick; however when I use the cursor to go over the plot, the data cursor shows the X value as datenum (Example: 737758.5696).
I don't see how to create callback for the app.UIAxes to call a function to update the values of the data cursor when I move the mouse pointer over the plot.
Thanks for any solution or suggestion.
  1 Comment
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami on 29 Jan 2020
Edited: Mohammad Sami on 29 Jan 2020
If you are using the current version of Matlab >= R2019a, take a look at dataTipTextRow
s = scatter(hwydata(:,5),hwydata(:,4));
row = dataTipTextRow('State',statelabel);
s.DataTipTemplate.DataTipRows(end+1) = row;

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