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how to do violin plot in matlab

340 views (last 30 days)
Sansit Das
Sansit Das on 27 Jan 2020
Commented: AARISH NAWAZ on 26 May 2022
I want to plot the Violin Graph with my data, but I am not able to get how to plot those graphs. I saw the Distribution Plot,Distribution Plot in File exchange for Matlab, but I am unable to find the place to input my x-values and y-values.

Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 29 Jan 2020
Edited: Matt J on 29 Jan 2020
AARISH NAWAZ on 24 May 2022
Edited: AARISH NAWAZ on 25 May 2022
I have plotted a red line first (see attchment) and using hold on I plotted the violin plots on the same figure but it starts with 1 I want it to start from zero (I want to move each violin plot to one place left).
@Matt J I have attached the matlab file and the .mat data file. Please have a look
Thanking you in anticipation
AARISH NAWAZ on 26 May 2022
How to change Violin Plot axis? I am able to plot it but It starts with one by default, I want it to start from zero. Please see the previous comment from me. You can find all the codes and data required to understand the question. @Matt J

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More Answers (1)

Holger Hoffmann
Holger Hoffmann on 9 Dec 2021
Edited: Holger Hoffmann on 9 Dec 2021
Hi - you may also consider to use this one and modify it: Violin Plot - File Exchange - MATLAB Central (


Find more on 2-D and 3-D Plots in Help Center and File Exchange


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