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regarding the "Calling from MATLAB from Python" interface: how would I convert back array data returned from a matlab function as matlab.double()

1 view (last 30 days)
I would like to refer to the example in the documentation,
In the example the engine returns b, which is a 1-by-5 matlab.double array.
To further process / use that result in python it might be necessary to convert it back to a python list.
Is there a better way to do this than the following, which might be inefficient and complicated for large multidimensional arrays?
b_py = [v for v in b[0]]

Accepted Answer

Elad on 14 May 2020
it should be much faster.
Elad on 14 May 2020
Edited: Elad on 14 May 2020
That's always a good practice. However, until someone in Mathworks solve this issue, i'm not familar with more efficent way that doesn't include passing through Lists.
To transfer info the other way(and not waiting couple of minutes for a simple 3d array), I had to write even nastier piece of code :o

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