No visualization of Mechanics Explorer when starting Simulink from GUI
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I guess the title already says it all.
I built a simmechanics multibody model of a robot in Simulink which is visualized when starting the Simulation directly from Simulink.
But when I try starting the simulation from a GUI (Matlab App-Designer) with the command:
%%Start Simulation
simOut = sim('Modell_Roboter_Tisch_InverseKin.slx','ReturnWorkspaceOutputs','on');
assignin('base', 'simOut', simOut) %Writes simulation output to base workspace
there is no visualization of the robot. The Mechanics Explorer windows just stays grey:
I already tried zooming out/in, enabling all components, etc.
Hope you guys can help me with this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Answers (2)
Kim Bostroem
on 26 Mar 2021
I have the same problem. For me, the workaround is to have the model file (.slx) open in the background. The problem appeared when I updated to Matlab 2020b. I hope this bug is fixed in the next update.
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