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20 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I am using the MATLAB curve fitting tool to create, through interpolation, a trend line from a series of observed data (frequencies). In previous versions of MATLAB, the Curve Fitting Tool had the "Analyze" function which created a table with the values of the interpolating function for each value of the independent variable x and said table could easily be copied to excel.
In the most recent version of MATLAB it doesn't seem to me that this function exists anymore; how can i create interpolation results in matlab and then report them in an excel table?
Thank you

Accepted Answer

Jakob B. Nielsen
Jakob B. Nielsen on 21 Jan 2020
You can create such a table yourself (although I dont understand how you get the interpolation function without having such a table in the first place? So I might simply not understand what you mean)
In the curve fitting tool, take your interpolant fit (its down in the table of fits in the bottom), rightclick it, and save to workspace. The default name is fittedmodel but you can name it whatever.
Then - for example, if your x is x=[1 2 3 4 5];, you can simply type in the command window y=fittedmodel(x), and then you have it.

More Answers (1)

laura brusco
laura brusco on 3 Feb 2020
I'm sorry for my late in answering you.
Yhank you for your explanation.

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