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Data interpolation from array

1 view (last 30 days)
Sarah Yun
Sarah Yun on 17 Jan 2020
Commented: Image Analyst on 18 Jan 2020
I have 5 columns of normalised snow fall data (between 0 and 1). All 5 column are 9000 rows long.
I want to interpolate this data onto an array of 2984 rows and 6033 columns in size.
Should I use the scatteredInterpolant function to do this?
If so, please help.
Kind regards,

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Jan 2020
Edited: Image Analyst on 17 Jan 2020
Depends. What to the columns and rows represent?
I'd probably say just use interp1() for each column one at a time.
Attach your table if you need more help.
Sarah Yun
Sarah Yun on 17 Jan 2020
Edited: Sarah Yun on 17 Jan 2020
DTM means digital terrain model.
I want to interpolate the 5x9000 snowfall array onto the 2984x6033 DTM array.
What is easiest way to do it?
Thank you.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 18 Jan 2020
Maybe I don't understand. If you have the snowfall in an array, why not simply use imresize()???
snowfall2 = imresize(snowfall1, [2984, 6033]);

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