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Selecting a portion of the tables

16 views (last 30 days)
BN on 16 Jan 2020
Commented: Adam Danz on 16 Jan 2020
I have C.mat which includes 125 tables. I need to list only the first row of each 125 tables and put them under each other. I want only station_name, lat, and lon columns.
something like this:
station_name lat lon
Abadan 30.37 48.21
Abadeh 31.19 52.61
Abali 35.75 51.88
... ... ...
I was attached C.mat for you.

Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 16 Jan 2020
% extract row 1 of each table stored in cell array C
firstRows = cellfun(@(m)m(1,:),C,'UniformOutput',false).';
% Vertically concatenate the first-rows into new table
T = vertcat(firstRows{:});
BN on 16 Jan 2020
Thank you. I didn't know that. Then I simply use this to remove unwanted columns:
T = removevars(T,{'station_id','region_id', 'station_elevation', 'data', 'tmax_m', 'tmin_m', 'rrr24', 'tm_m'});
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 16 Jan 2020
Or, if you know the column numbers and you know that all tables have the same column order, you could specify a vector of column numbers here
firstRows = cellfun(@(m)m(1,COLUMN_NUMBERS),C,'UniformOutput',false).';
% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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