DICOM Alignment (slice by slice substraction)

3 views (last 30 days)
Madi khad
Madi khad on 13 Jan 2020
Commented: Madi khad on 14 Jan 2020
I have many DICOM serial images (210 slices each one) for the same core but in two different conditions. I need to subtract two files (Slice by slice) in the same location and compare them. Let's assume the image parameters like pixel spacing, slice thickness, etc. are the same. But the core may moved after each scan. How can I achieve the image alignment? in the end, I would like to find a 2D matrix (i, j) with the pixel by pixel substraction values between the two series of images.
Thank you!
Rik on 14 Jan 2020
Are there any object features you could automatically detect? If so, you can use that as landmarks to determine the required transformation.
Madi khad
Madi khad on 14 Jan 2020
No there is no object features that i can detect.I'am trying with imregtform, have any idea how to use it?
Thank you

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Answers (1)

Selva Karna
Selva Karna on 14 Jan 2020
Set thresold on slides
Segment objecct and convert as volume


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