RE: Extraction of NetCDF to certain point and location

5 views (last 30 days)
I have NetCDF file (file name is at this link with four variables as column as;Lat; Lon;Precip;Time. I want to extract monthly grid time series data available from 1979 to 2019 to my station point. My code is as below:
file = (''); %openfile
time = ncread(file,'time');
prep = ncread(file,'precip');
lon = ncread(file,'lon');
lat = ncread(file,'lat');
latlim = [19.787500 18.029167]; %N to S
lonlim = [101.904167 103.391667]; %W to E
from_date = '01-01-1979'; to_date = '01-11-2019';
time_datenum = datenum('01-01-1979','dd-mm-yyyy');
date_match = time_datenum >= datenum(from_date) && time_datenum <= datenum(to_date);
selected_prep = prep(:,:,date_match);
Yet, I couldn't get data in select_prep which is the new one I want to store data. Could you guys help me on this.

Answers (1)

Meg Noah
Meg Noah on 8 Jan 2020
Here's a solution:
close all
clear all
filename = ('');
info = ncinfo(filename);
unitsTime = info.Variables(3).Attributes(1);
unitsPrep = info.Variables(4).Attributes(3).Value;
validRangePrep = info.Variables(4).Attributes(2).Value;
labelPrep = info.Variables(4).Attributes(1).Value;
time = ncread(filename,'time');
tDatenum = datenum(1800,1,1,time,0,0);
prep = ncread(filename,'precip');
lon = double(ncread(filename,'lon'));
lat = double(ncread(filename,'lat'));
latlim = [18.029167 19.787500 ]; % N to S
lonlim = [101.904167 103.391667]; % W to E
% note there are no longitudes in your limits
% choices are idxLon = 41 lon = 101.2500
% or idxLon = 42 lon = 103.7500
idxLon = 42;
idxLat = find(latlim(1) <= lat & lat <= latlim(2));
from_datenum = datenum(1979,1,1,0,0,0);
to_datenum = datenum(2019,1,11,0,0,0);
idxDatenum = find(from_datenum <= tDatenum & tDatenum <= to_datenum);
myPrepData = squeeze(prep(idxLon,idxLat,idxDatenum));
myPrepDatenum = tDatenum(idxDatenum);
figure('color','white','Position',[70 500 1200 450]);
hold on
box on
xlim([datenum(1978,1,1,0,0,0) datenum(2021,1,1,0,0,0)]);
ylabel([labelPrep ' [' unitsPrep ']']);
title(['Latitude = ' num2str(lat(idxLat)) ' \circN Longitude = ' ...
num2str(lon(idxLon)) ' \circE']);
It produces this plot:

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