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Display only timeseries years

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Sarah Yun
Sarah Yun on 15 Dec 2019
Edited: Adam Danz on 15 Dec 2019
I have time-series data from 1958 to 2019.
The smallest unit of time is 1 hour (from 2014 to 2019)
The smallest unit of time is 3 hours (from 1958 to 2013)
The y-variable is temperature
The data looks like this
What code should I use to display the temperature data in yearly intervals on a figure?
(I assume I must take the average temperatures across the years) - how?
Thank you.

Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 15 Dec 2019
Edited: Adam Danz on 15 Dec 2019
Based on the image you shared, your data are arranged in a table, not a timetable. Using a timetable will be useful so you can easily convert your data to a timetable using
Then you could compute the annual means by following this exmple in retime() except you'll use yearly time steps instead of hourly.
If you have any problems implementing this, show us your code and we can help straighten it out.

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