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Load a structure in a mat file

49 views (last 30 days)
Mohamed BOUALBANI on 22 Nov 2019
Answered: Mohamed BOUALBANI on 25 Nov 2019
I have a mat file who contain a structure a, the structure a contains other structures, i need to load a structure b in the structure a without loading all the structure a.
load ('filemat') ---> a, a is the result of loaing the matfile
i need to load a.b in the workspace without loading all the structure a,
Thank you for your return.

Answers (2)

Kaashyap Pappu
Kaashyap Pappu on 25 Nov 2019
A similar issue has been addressed here. The issue and limitation are documented and elaborated upon, and a workaround is also provided.
Alternatively, you can try to load the structure into work space and clear the other structures using the following syntax:
%Extract required structure
reqStruct = a.b;
% Clear the overall structure of structures
clear a
Hope this helps!

Mohamed BOUALBANI on 25 Nov 2019
Thank you for your response, the link you sent me explain that there is no way to do what i wanted.
Thank you.

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