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generating 4 d tuple

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EntisR Elmohbat
EntisR Elmohbat on 15 Nov 2019
Commented: EntisR Elmohbat on 18 Nov 2019
I have 2x25 matrix that describes x,y cordinates, I want to draw circles with radious r1 and r2 and adress each compination ! in other words :
i want to address (x1,y1,r1,r1), (x1,y1,r1,r2),,(x1,y1,r2,r2) to figure out the cases where there is an overlap or not. how to do that in matlab ?

Answers (1)

Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra on 16 Nov 2019
Matlab doesn't have a tuple class, but uses arrays.
If I'm understanding you, you want to end up with a 4x100 array. The most straight forward approach is probably to start with your 2x25, then build it out using a For loop.
  1 Comment
EntisR Elmohbat
EntisR Elmohbat on 18 Nov 2019
Thanks Joe, actually I should end up with 25 x25x2x2 to be precise , but i might create a 4d matrix with for loop as you mentioned!

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