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Using uby with sqlite for matlab interface

1 view (last 30 days)
Uby includes WordNet, FrameNet, and VerbNet. I download an Uby database and try to run sqlite.
The sqlite connection seems to be made. I'm having trouble importing the tables of this database into MATLAB.
My question is: how do I import the tables? Also, how do I find the names of all the tables in the database in the first place?
I got the name of the table in the code below from the Uby website but I'm not sure if it is correct. It is just one of many tables.
I am not able to import any of them.
The code is as follows:
>> dbfile = fullfile(pwd,'uby_open_0_6_0.sql');
>> conn = sqlite(dbfile)
conn =
sqlite with properties:
Database: 'C:\Users\edward\Desktop\uby_open_0_6_0.sql\uby_open_0_6_0.sql'
IsOpen: 1
IsReadOnly: 0
>> data = fetch(conn,'SELECT * FROM SubcatFrameSetElement');
Error using sqlite/fetch
Received exception upon attempting an operation. Exception:
[C:\Users\edward\Desktop\uby_open_0_6_0.sql\uby_open_0_6_0.sql is not a database. (file is not a database)]. Details:
[SELECT * FROM SubcatFrameSetElement].

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