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Plotting data based on rows from an excel sheet with legends as First element of the row

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello, i am trying to plot data that has three variables involved. Plotting depth on y axis, Temperature on X axes. Time which is the first column of my data and also the series name (legend also) as temperature vs depth are being plotted per time. Attached is what i want to do from excel. My code;
UNIQUE_ID_unique = unique(alldata(:,4));
Idx = strcmp(alldata(:,4),UNIQUE_ID_unique(1,1));
subdata = alldata(Idx,:);
test_date_unique = unique(subdata(:,8));
for i=1:length(test_date_unique)
Idxdate = strcmp(subdata(:,8),test_date_unique(i,1));
cols = [22, 23:27, 32:37];
subdata2= subdata(Idxdate,cols);
for n=1:size(subdata2,1)
subdata3(n,1) = str2num(subdata2{n,1});
subdata3(n,2:7) = [0, cell2mat(subdata2(n, 2:6))];
subdata3(n,8:13) = [cell2mat(subdata2(n, 12)), cell2mat(subdata2(n, 7:11))];
subdata3sorted = sortrows(subdata3,1);
xval = subdata3sorted(:,8:13)';
yval = subdata3sorted(:,2:7)';
leg = [ ];
for m = 1:size(subdata3sorted,1), leg{m} = num2str(subdata3sorted(m,1)); end
plot(xval,yval,'.-'), set(gca,'ydir','reverse'),xlabel('Temp (F)'),ylabel('Depth (inch)'), legend(leg,'location','southoutside','FontSize',8,'NumColumns',5)
But somehow the plots i get reuse previous data i.e. if a plot used 5 pairs of x & y values for say 10 rows, then if the next plot were to plot 5 pairs again, for 8 rows, it somehow change the 8 values and uses the two earlier values. So i end up al the plots with the maximum (time data) plotted over each plot. Can someone help.
Hamad Bin Muslim
Hamad Bin Muslim on 8 Nov 2019
Hi, Thanks brother for being ready to help. I figured the bug out. I was not emptying the variables before each loop. That's why it kept old data in the variables and was plotting it.

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