How to solve a equation with a single variable for a range of values?

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I have a linear equation with 2 variables. I want to calculate the value of one variable for a given rane of my second variable.
These are my formula and alpha and L2 are my variable. I want to calculate the value of L2 for alpha from 0 to 42 in steps of 1. But when I solve the equation, I still get the answer in terms of L2 and not a numerical value.
Here is my code
clear all;
%Getting the input of Constant Values
syms L2;
L1=input('Enter the value of L1:');
R1=input('Enter the value of R1:');
R2=input('Enter the value of R2:');
R3=input('Enter the value of R3:');
a=input('Enter the value of a:');
%Rewriting all variables in terms of L2
alpha = 1:1:42;
cosbeta = (L1^2+L3.^2-L2^2)./(2*L1.*L3);
%Computing L2
Abinav Shankar
Abinav Shankar on 27 Sep 2019
Actually my beta is dependent on L1, L2 and L3. L1 is a constant, L3 is again dependent on L1, L2 and alpha. So technically my beta is dependent on L2 and alpha. I can rewrite my entire equation in terms of L2 and alpha.Annotation 2019-09-27 111611.jpg

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Answers (1)

darova on 27 Sep 2019
I think it can be kind of complicated for symbolic calculations
syms a L2
% define your constants
eqn = % your long expression
Or another aproach: examine if there are roots (F == 0)
F = matlabFunction( eqn,'vars',[a L2] );
[X,Y] = meshgrid(0:10);
xlabel('a axis')
ylabel('L2 axis')
  1 Comment
Abinav Shankar
Abinav Shankar on 27 Sep 2019
I think its a bit too complicated. I was able to easily solve it for a single value instead of a range. Then I used the solution in a for loop to generate solution for a range of values. It's slow but atleast it gets the job done.

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