How work with 2 popup menus

2 views (last 30 days)
Jhon Rackham
Jhon Rackham on 1 Sep 2019
Commented: Jhon Rackham on 2 Sep 2019
Hi to everyone !
I need your help guys, i'am a beeginer in Matlab and i have a problem with my project:
Well, i have to create a program that converts whatever number set to the measures: (Kilometers, meters, centimeters and millimeters).
On mi GUI i have 2 edit text and 2 popupmenu
The idea is:
I put one numer on the edittext1 and i choose in the popupmenu1 what measure it is(Kilometers, meters, centimeters and millimeters).
Then, on the other popupmenu i choose what measure in want to convert and that value has to print on the edittext 2. is like google conversor.
I don't know how to work with 2 popupmenus, i hope you guys help me.
Have a good day. :D12.png

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 Sep 2019
Edited: Image Analyst on 2 Sep 2019
Try something like this
value = str2double(handles.edittext1.String)
if handles.popupmenu1.Value == 1
if handles.popupmenu2.Value == 1
convertedValue = value * 123.4567; % Or whatever it is.
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 2
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 3
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 4
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 5
elseif handles.popupmenu1.Value == 2
if handles.popupmenu2.Value == 1
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 2
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 3
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 4
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 5
elseif handles.popupmenu1.Value == 3
if handles.popupmenu2.Value == 1
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 2
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 3
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 4
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 5
elseif handles.popupmenu1.Value == 3
if handles.popupmenu2.Value == 1
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 2
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 3
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 4
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 5
elseif handles.popupmenu1.Value == 5
if handles.popupmenu2.Value == 1
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 2
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 3
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 4
elseif handles.popupmenu2.Value == 5
handles.edittext2.String = sprintf('In those units, the value is %f', convertedValue)
Inside each if block, do the conversion, or get the scaling factor, for the relevant pair that was chosen.

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