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create all possible combinations of vectors stored in a cell array

1 view (last 30 days)
I have an array like this, i.e., it has two cells (we could have more cells) and the size of the first cell is 3 by N (length of vectors 1, 2 and 3) and the size of cell 2 is 2 by M (length of vectors 4 and 5). I want to construct an array that has all the possible combiations of vectors from the sets . However, we can not have two vectors from the same set, e.g., we can not hav vector 1 and vector 2 in the same cell. The result shlud be like this . Thus D should have 3*2=6 cells and each cell has two elements (vectors). Note that I will not enter the array V myself, it is generated by another matlab code so the code has to figure out the size of V and the length of all vectors if needed.

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