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MLGetMatrix in Matlab2019 imports NaN values into Excel as a number

1 view (last 30 days)
I am using a vba script to import a matrix from Matlab into Exel. The Matrix has NaN values in it, which previously (in Matlab2016b) have been imported as NaN into Excel. Now I switched to Matlab2019a and that same VBA code gives me a matrix in Excel where Matlab NaN values are replaced with a specific number 65535.
I've tried different spreadsheets, variables, rewrote the VBA code, etc. NaN is now always replaced with 65535 when using MLGetMatrix. How can I get it back to being imported into Excel as NaN?
Here is my sample VBA script:
Dim Err As String
Err = MLEvalString("some_code")
Application.Calculation = xlManual
MLGetMatrix "A", "some_existing_rangel"
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic

Answers (1)

Akshit Agarwal
Akshit Agarwal on 9 Oct 2019
Hi Anna,
Convert your NaN values to a string 'NaN' before exporting them to excel.
You may refer to a similar query that had been answered in this thread: How can I write the NaN values in the matrix to Excel using XLSWRITE?


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