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Solve ode45 system with input calculated inside ode function

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Dear MathWorks community,
I have a problem with my ode solving method. I'm trying do solve state-space model in ode45 with input based on actual state calculated inside ode. This input is a bit of random (so probably this is the problem I think) but let me explain.
What I'm trying to do is something like this:
[t, x] = ode45(@(t, x) sys(t, x, plant, MV_bounds, OV_bounds,u_initial), tspan, iniCon);
function dx = sys(t, x, ss_model, MV_bounds, OV_bounds, u_initial)
persistent u % persisten variable needed to save last input u
persistent kk % persisten variable needed to save sampling instant
Ts = 0.1;
d_ss_model = c2d(ss_model,Ts);
A = ss_model.A;
B = ss_model.B;
Am = d_ss_model.A;
Bm = d_ss_model.B;
%% some parameters for PSO
% optimization
% if time reaches optimization sampling time, optimize.
% I added such a condition in case the time step of ODE
% miss exact time of k*Ts (which im sure it will).
% I've tried also set ode option of maxstep to 0.1.
%% PSO optimization that calculates suboptimal input u
% based on testing discrete state-space model of the system.
u=gbest_p'; % resulted input
kk= kk+1;
% if time is between optimization sampling,
% hold previous input up to next optimization time
dx = A*x + B*u;
When I run this, ode acts weridly. When I add a breakpoint (for checking timesteps) it seems like ode makes some small steps and then takes a step back (sometimes a big step back) and it takes forever to calculate 10s of timespan (but sometimes it finishes, depends on my patience at the moment). I guess this is a poor design, but I'm really new in constructing such systems and I don't really know about restrictions and conditions I must follow in order to make good system/control design.
What I can add, that PSO calculates input vector pretty well. As I set reference state at 0 (with quadcopter state space model linearized at hover conditions), resulting inputs are very small as suspected.
How can I solve such a problem? Do I need to calculate input outside ODE? How can I handle sampling time for optimization in some better, more reliable way? If the idea of such design is poor and just stupid please be honest, I woud appreciate any constructive critics. Sooooomeday I will be PRO in systems control :)
Torsten on 7 Aug 2019
That's what I meant.
Although I don't know whether it's necessary to do optimization of single u in the loop. I only know of cases where the complete control vector (for each output time 0:Ts:10) is computed after the loop. Then the loop is executed again with this full new control vector.
Piotr Pawlowski
Piotr Pawlowski on 7 Aug 2019
Hmmm, are you sure that it will be computet after loop? Maybe what you meant is that to compute full timespan of 1:Ts:10 for complete vector "u" (without inner partial integration) ant then execute it after loop. Because you know, after the loop there is the end of script in this particular case :)
Right now I just want to test if the approach is correct and if it gives feasible results (just for one step optimization).
My goal is as follows:
Tsim = 0.05;
initCon = ..;
c= 3;
p = 10;
x = iniCon;
for t: Tsim : Tfinal
if(t hits controller sample time)
for tc = t : Ts : c*Ts % c stands for control horizon over which
% we will compute control inputs
% With optimization, compute c<=p control intervals
% Optimization is held over p*Ts horizon
% with c-control intervals. After c*Ts optimizer holds
% last computed control interval as constant over rest
% of prediction horizon.
% execute only first control interval
[tt, x] = ode45(@(t, x)sys2(t, x, ss_model, u(1)), [t : Tsim], initCon);
% or with sum, if using discrete mode
initCon = x(length(tt),:)';
How about that? Im tempted to choose ode instead of [ t: Tsim : Tfinal ] for loop but I guess it will be too demanding in computation time, but...

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