Is it the code or my laptop?

2 views (last 30 days)
Max on 7 Jul 2019
Commented: KALYAN ACHARJYA on 7 Jul 2019
Hi All,
I am trying to run the code I have created on a work computer, however after some changes ot the code I now wish to run it on my academic version of Matlab 2017a.
My laptop is useless at the best of times, 4GB of RAM, so I was wonderring whether I just need to be running the code on a more powerful machine.
After leaving it over night, I have managed to atleast get it to run but I got the following error message:
Error using cat
Requested 1x7x74350200 (3.9GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference. Creation of arrays greater than this limit may take a
long time and cause MATLAB to become unresponsive. See array size limit or preference panel for more information.
Error in ode45 (line 380)
f3d = cat(3,f3d,zeros(neq,7,chunk,dataType));
Error in TG (line 86)
sol = ode45(Mi,tspan,0);
I'm not sure what I can do to help 'slim down' the script, but if it is possibl for someone with a more capable machine to just try running it for me, I would really appreciate it.
FYI matlab online just times out when I try and run it on there.
Script supplied below:
All the best.
clear all
close all
n=3600; %Rotational speed of the shaft in rpm
%n=n*0.107; %Rotational speed of the shaft in rad/s
Co=0.000125; %initial radial clearance (m)
T_supply = 40; % Oil Supply temperature %initial temperature of the entire system
rho15 = 886.2; %Density of supplied oil at 15degC
V_kin_40 = 71.83; % Kinematic viscosity of oil at 40degC
V_kin_100 = 9.072; % Kinematic viscosity of oil at 100degC
A_oil=log10(log10(V_kin_40 + 0.7)/log10(V_kin_100 + 0.7))/(log10(313/373));
B_oil = log10(log10(V_kin_40 +0.7))-A_oil*(log10(313));
Vkin = 10^((10^(A_oil*log10(T_supply+273)+B_oil)))+0.7; %kinematic viscosity at the supply temp
rho = rho15*(1-(0.7*(((T_supply+273)-289)/rho15))); %density of lubricant at supply temp
Mu_0 = (Vkin*10^-6)*rho; %%Initial dynamic viscosity of oil at supply temp
W=1000; %Applied load on the bearing
B=80; %Width of one bearing land
Dbi=159.725; %Inner diameter of the bushing
a=50; %linear thermal expansion coefficient of the shaft
Dbo = 179.725; % Outer Diameter of the bearing
Ds = Dbo-Co; %Shaft diameter
Lb = B; %length of the bearing
Vs = ((pi*Ds^2)/4)*Lb; %Volume of the shaft
Vb = ((pi*(Dbo^2 - Dbi^2))/4)*Lb; % Volume of the bearing
rho_s = 7800; % Density of the shaft material
rho_b = 7800; % Density of the bearing material
cl = 2000; % Specific heat capacity of lubricant (guess)
cs = 456; % Specific heat capacity of shaft material
cb = 250; % Specific heat capcity of the bearing material
cc = cb+cs; % Specific heat capacity of bearing system (in accordance with lumped model)
ps=2e5; %supply pressure of the lubricant (relative to the atmosphere)
M=(rho_b*cb*Vb+rho_s*cs*Vs)/cc; % Equivalent mass of the bearing
%%functions to get temperature
Tfun=@(C) 2*(Co-C)/(Dbi*a)+T_supply;
%%eccentricity's influence on load capacity
fcp=@(e) ((1-e^2)^2)/(pi*e*sqrt(pi^2*(1-e^2)+16*e^2));
%dimensionless terms
Lambda = (6*pi^2*a*Dbi^3*B^5*n.^2*Mu_0^2)/(rho*cl*Co^2*ps);%coefficient related to friction power clearance losses
Gamma = (12*n*B^2*Mu_0)/(Co^2*ps); %Coefficient related to hydrodynamic flow rate clearance losses
tau= ((pi*Co^3*ps*rho*cl*Dbi)/(6*cc*M*B*Mu_0)); %Dimensionless time
f_QHS_ecc=@(e) (2*pi*Dbi*C^3*ps/(12*Mu_0*B))*(1+1.5*e^2);
f_QHD_ecc=@(e) (pi*B*Dbi*n*C)*e;
f_Pf_ecc =@(mu,e) (2*pi*Dbi*B*Mu_0*(((pi*Dbi*n/C).^2))*((2+e)/((1+e)*(1-e^2)^0.5)));
while true
%%define symbolic variable for differential equation
syms delta(t)
%%define the differential equation
fun =diff(delta,t)== tau*(Lambda*f_Pf_ecc(Mu_0,e)- delta*((1-delta)^2*f_QHS_ecc(e)+(Gamma*(1-delta)*f_QHD_ecc(e))));
%define initial condition of the differentiaon equation
%%convert the differential equation to system of first order for ode45
Mi = matlabFunction(V,'Vars',{'t','Y'});
%%time span
tspan = [0 10];
%%solve equation with ode45
sol = ode45(Mi,tspan,0);
%%check for load
fprintf('eccentricity =%.2f \n',e)
fprintf('Load =%.2f N \n',load)
%if load condition is valid then break loop
if load>W
ylabel('dimensionless loss of clearance')
ylabel('Radial Clearance C (um)')
ylabel('Temperature (kelvin)')

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