Error opening LED device

7 views (last 30 days)
Stefano Dalla Gasperina
Stefano Dalla Gasperina on 24 May 2019
Answered: Simon Ellwanger on 4 Feb 2022
I am trying to get started with ROSberry and Simulink. I was able to complete tutorial: Getting Started with Robot Operating System (ROS) on Raspberry Pi®, so that I was able to trigger led0 of Raspberry Pi via topic over ROS network.
However, I can't run the node as standalone node from ssh+rosrun etc etc.
I get an error: "Error opening LED device file led0." and the node can't start.
If I start the node via MATLAB "runROSNode" everything works like a charm.
Please help,
for me is very important to be able to start standalone ROS nodes from Pi board
MathWorks Robotics and Autonomous Systems Team
Sorry for the delay in responding, seems you are using a function which is not provided by MathWorks.
As we have "runNode"
Please confirm your workflow, and if needed please email the issue with proper steps to
Stefano Dalla Gasperina
Stefano Dalla Gasperina on 1 Jul 2019
The problem was not due to runROSNode function, but I could not launch the compiled file from ssh directly from Raspberry's terminal.

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Answers (1)

Simon Ellwanger
Simon Ellwanger on 4 Feb 2022
on your raspberry check with
rostopic list
if your topic /led is in the ROS subscription list. If so, you will see
that's why you cannot start it again. It's alreaedy running and should work. Try
rostopic echo /led
to see if your raspberry can receive from /led topic.




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