read teensy data into matlab

7 views (last 30 days)
Ejay Nsugbe
Ejay Nsugbe on 25 Feb 2019
Answered: DISHENG XU on 26 Sep 2019
I am trying to create a way of reading a teensy3.6 output data into matlab in CSV format/any Matlab readable format.
Any help would be appreciated.

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 Feb 2019
Edited: Image Analyst on 25 Feb 2019
So the teensy file is in CSV format? Have you tried csvread()?
If that doesn't work, try importdata(), dlmread(), textscan(), or as a last resort, write your own custom reader.
Ejay Nsugbe
Ejay Nsugbe on 25 Feb 2019
The teensy file is from my 'COM5' so presumably serial data. My question is based around how I can read this data continously and save as possibly a CSV file.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 Feb 2019
What format is the data in? How far have you gotten? Can you read it into MATLAB yet? If you can read it in, you can save it to a CSV text file from MATLAB with the function csvwrite().

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DISHENG XU on 26 Sep 2019
Have you solved it? I have the same problem.


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