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I want to generate C/C++ Code for ROS. % I have a Simulink model where I'm interfacing a BLDC drive using a CAN interface. The code runs before on a Speedgoat device, but it is currently not possible to generate the code for ROS.

1 view (last 30 days)
% ROS Node Archive Creation 1
% Elapsed: 2 sec
% Creating archive file for model 'CANInterface'.
% ---
% ### Build procedure for model: 'CANInterface' aborted due to an error.
% File "dummy" does not exist.

Accepted Answer

Carlos Villegas
Carlos Villegas on 30 Jul 2019
Interfacing Simulink models to real hardware via CAN bus or other real-time industrial protocols can be easily set up using Simulink Real-Time. It is great to know that your setup worked well with Speedgoat hardware. Documentation for setting up Speedgoat CAN I/O modules can be found here:
ROS code generation is currently not supported with Simulink Real-Time nor Speedgoat hardware. Could you say a bit more about your target hardware or about the application?

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