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simulink library not showing up

5 views (last 30 days)
Constantin Runge
Constantin Runge on 16 Dec 2018
Answered: Jon Snow on 6 May 2019
I've set up a bunch of simulink libraries from some commonly used block in my Simulink project. I did this the following way:
- For each library:
- create a new model based on the empty library template
- copy the blocks from the original model into the library
- create subsystems from the blocks and add a mask (All come with type and description, some come with parameters)
- set the 'EnableLBRepository' param to 'on'
- Then I created a 'lib' library referencing all the other libraries exactly as in the section 'Create a Sublibrary' from
- finally I've added a slblocks.m in the folder, where all the libraries are stored:
function blkStruct = slblocks
Browser.Library = 'lib';
Browser.Name = 'My great library';
blkStruct.Browser = Browser;
Now when I reload the library browser, matlab prints the line
File "variable" not found.
Also 'My great library' does not appear in the library browser. Instead a file 'variable.slx' is created in the projects work directory.
What can I do to troubleshoot and fix the problem? I've already tried creating the library from scratch in a new folder with new, empty libraries, just copying the components from the old one and creating new subsystems and masks.
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Constantin Runge
Constantin Runge on 17 Dec 2018
I just unzipped all the models and grepped for 'variable' (case insensitive) in file contents and names but didn't find anything.

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Answers (1)

Jon Snow
Jon Snow on 6 May 2019
Were you able to resolve this issue? I'm facing the same one. Cheers


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