How to optimize exponential objective function with two variable in convex problem?

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I am trying to optimize Pi* and Pj* by using convex optimization but due to exponential objective function and mu_n as non-negative constraint, i am getting errors. This algorithm is based on successive convex approximation. Iterative step size is 0.1, Please tell me where is my mistake?
Jan on 16 Nov 2018
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I guess, that this is not the right way to call the tool. Remember that in
the contents inside the parentheses is a number, isn't it? I guess you have to provide a function handle, but I'm not familiar with the CVX tool. The error message means, that "cvx_problem" is called as a function, but it is a script instead - this means without input arguments.
NEELU GUPTA on 17 Nov 2018
Thank you,
I'll take care of your advice for further, I think you are right and i am working on my mistaken.

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