FFT computation speed of real signals vs. complex signals

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I'm wondering if Matlab is not using the fftw library to its full extent. Given the fact that we know that real signals are hermitian (conjugate symmetric) in frequency domain [1], it is possible to use this symmetry to speed up computation (as well as storage requirements!), as documented in [2] and fftw documentation [3].
In any case: Without using these optimizations I would at least expect the fftn of a real signal to be as fast as the fftn of a complex signal. However if you evaluate this in Matlab, e.g.
sz = 384;
test_real = randn(sz,sz,sz);
test_complex = randn(sz,sz,sz)+1i*randn(sz,sz,sz);
fftn_realsignal = fftn(test_real);
fftn_complexsignal = fftn(test_complex);
then, at least on my machine, the FFT of the real signal takes even more time to compute.
My question therefore is: Can we access these symmetries in Matlab to reduce computation speed and storage requirements? It seems as if fftw already provides the necessary framework to do so.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermitian_function

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