Why do I keep getting matrix dimensions must agree?

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I keep getting this error and I can't figure out why. Here's my code
g= 9.81
theta= [0, .17453293, .52359878, .78539816, 1.04719755,1.57079633];
t=0:0.01:tf; hold all x=v0.*(theta).*t;
hold on plot(x,y)
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in BallTrajectory (line 7) tf=2*v0.*sin(theta)/g;

Accepted Answer

James Tursa
James Tursa on 10 Jul 2018
Edited: James Tursa on 10 Jul 2018
>> size(v0)
ans =
1 4
>> size(theta)
ans =
1 6
So it is complaining about the v0 .* sin(theta) operation
James Tursa
James Tursa on 10 Jul 2018
tf is a vector. What are you expecting to get with the t=0:0.01:tf ?
What is your ultimate goal here? To produce multiple plots with different values of tf?
Taylor Gates
Taylor Gates on 10 Jul 2018
Yes that’s the goal. Doing multiple plots with different inputs for initial velocity and launch angle.

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