[Reference Design] Define and Register Custom Board- Error in Step 4.4

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Hi, I have defined and have registered a custom Board as a reference design method (https://it.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/examples/define-and-register-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-zynq-workflow.html). The hardware is developed in Vivado Xilinx. Only the last step 4.4 fails! The step 4.3 works and gives me the following log:
Task "Build FPGA Bitstream" successful. Generated logfile: hdl_prj\hdlsrc\schema_1\workflow_task_BuildFPGABitstream.log Running embedded system build outside MATLAB. Please check external shell for system build progress. The generated bitstream file is located at: hdl_prj\vivado_ip_prj\vivado_prj.runs\impl_1\system_top_wrapper.bit Generate an HDL Workflow Command-Line Interface script to program the target device: hdlworkflow_ProgramTargetDevice.m.
While the step 4.4 doesn't work and give me the following problem
Failed Program target FPGA device. Task "Program Target Device" unsuccessful. See log for details. Generated logfile: hdl_prj\hdlsrc\schema_1\workflow_task_ProgramTargetDevice.log Downloading target FPGA device configuration over Ethernet to SD card ... Cannot identify hdl_prj\vivado_ip_prj\vivado_prj.runs\impl_1\system_top_wrapper.bit. No such file or directory.
I note that in the step 4.3 the file system_top_wrapper.bit is present in the directory, while in the step 4.4 the file disappeares! What is the problem? Can you help me? Thank thank thank you.

Answers (2)

Giacomo on 23 Jun 2018
a solution?

Giacomo on 25 Jun 2018

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