I want to create a circle of radius 5 and then inside this circle 3 more circles of radius 1 with different centers and then generate random points in each circle separately?please help

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I want to create a circle of radius 5 and then inside this circle 3 more circles with different centers of radius 1 and then generate random points in each circle separately?please help. I need to access the points of each circle separately like user co ordinate in circle 1,2 and 3. User co ordinate of bigger circle should be accessible.

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 6 Jun 2018
N = 200 ;
R = 5 ;
C = [0 0] ;
th = linspace(0,2*pi,N) ;
xc = C(1)+R*cos(th) ;
yc = C(2)+R*sin(th) ;
R1 = 1 ;
% get three centers inside the circel
a = -R+R1 ; b = R-R1 ;
x = (b-a).*rand(3,1)+ a;
y = (b-a).*rand(3,1)+ a;
% get each cricle
hold on
plot(xc,yc) ;
cx = zeros(3,N) ;cy = zeros(3,N) ;
for i = 1:3
cx(i,:) = x(i)+R1*cos(th) ;
cy(i,:) = y(i)+R1*sin(th) ;
% Generate random numbers inside each circle
M = 100 ;
a = -R1 ; b = R1 ;
rr = cell(3,2) ;
for i = 1:3
rx = x(i)+(b-a).*rand(M,1)+ a;
ry = y(i)+(b-a).*rand(M,1)+ a;
idx = inpolygon(rx,ry,cx(i,:),cy(i,:)) ;
rr{i} = [rx(idx) ry(idx)] ;
  1 Comment
RADHIKA GOUR on 6 Jun 2018
Edited: RADHIKA GOUR on 6 Jun 2018
Thank you. This is what I want. But I also want to generate points inside the biggest circle and these points should not go in smaller circles.

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