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change colors of an array

5 views (last 30 days)
m_vdv on 23 May 2018
Answered: Ameer Hamza on 23 May 2018
I've got the following array. M = [0 1 0; 1 0 1; 2 0 3];
How can I change the colors of the image?
  1 Comment
Paolo on 23 May 2018
Have you tried changing the values contained in M ?

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Answers (1)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 23 May 2018
the color of the square depends on the colormap of the axis. Try
ax = gca;
by default colormap is
0.2422 0.1504 0.6603
0.2504 0.1650 0.7076
0.2578 0.1818 0.7511
0.9691 0.9606 0.1064
0.9769 0.9839 0.0805
These are RGB colors. The value in your matrix M, along with the colormap and clim property of axes object which color will be displayed. For more information, refer to the properties of MATLAB axes object and search for Colormap and CLim.


Find more on Colormaps in Help Center and File Exchange


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