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how to have a loop if for a column in a table

6 views (last 30 days)
I have a table with many columns... I want to iterate into one column, that have many numbers valores. is there someone that can help me?
the pseudocode is
if table.column > number
table.new_column= 'Ok'
table.this_new column='nok'
finally i wil have a new columns with ok and nok depending of the valor of the column

Accepted Answer

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 14 May 2018
Edited: Ameer Hamza on 14 May 2018
You don't need a for loop, use arrayfun(),
words = {'nok', 'ok'};
table.newColumn = arrayfun(@(x) words((x>number)+1), table.column);
Jessica Blasco
Jessica Blasco on 14 May 2018
ok, this solution works, but i have another question ... in my case, i have 8 types de variables in a column (1..8) for each type i have a value limit,(stored them in a vector) So... limit_value=[ number1, number 2, number 3,....,number 8] i want to evaluate for each type, the value that corresponds in the limit value.
type 1 -> evaluate > number 1
type 2-> evaluate > number 2
but i want to have with a loop, it's posible?
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 14 May 2018
It is not clear what you are trying to do but you can access and change values of a table just like a cell array using table{1,1} (first column, first element). Similarly, use can assign as
table{1,1} = 1; % it will assign the value

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More Answers (1)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 14 May 2018
Ameer's solution works, but arrayfun is really not needed:
words = {'nok', 'ok'};
table.newColumn = words(table.column>number)+1);
But also, a cell array of 'ok' and 'nok' is likely not all the helpful. I'd suggest making a categorical variable:
table.newColumn = categorical(table.column>number,[false,true],{'nok' 'ok});
Like Ameer, I'm not able to fully understand the followup question.
Jessica Blasco
Jessica Blasco on 15 May 2018
i have a vector with 8 numbers,so v=[number1, number2,...., number8] In my column i have 8 categories of number, 1..8...
i would like iterate the column such that for each number in the column i can evaluate if this valor is mayor a his position in the vector...
1 evaluate number in position 1 of the vector
1 evaluate number in position 1 of the vector 2 evaluate number position 2 of the vector
3 evaluate number in the position 3 of the vector
4 evaluate number in the position 4 of the vector
2 evaluate number in the position 2 of the vector
1 evaluate number in the position 1 of the vector
5 evaluate number in the position 5 of the vector
I would like iterate this table with a loop for, it's posible??
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 17 May 2018
I can't follow this. I suggest you open a new thread, with a short, clear example of what you have and what you want.

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