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How to save text files with the exactly same name, in the same folder?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I have this rotine, and all my textfile are 'erros.txt' from differents subfolders, and I want to save all in the same folder.
mainFolder = uigetdir('C:\Users\Dani\Documents\PORTUGAL\Error_Sims'); % Select your Main folder
[~,message,~] = fileattrib([mainFolder,'\*']);
fprintf('\n There are %i total files & folders.\n',numel(message));
allExts = cellfun(@(s) s(end-2:end),{message.Name},'uni',0);% Get file ext
TXTidx = ismember(allExts,'txt');% Search extensions for "CSV" at the end
TXT_filefolders = {message(TXTidx).Name}; % Use idx of TXTs to list paths.
fprintf('There are %i files with *error.txt* file ext.\n',numel(TXT_filefolders));
for ii = 1:numel(TXT_filefolders)
% open TXT_filefolders
copyfile(TXT_filefolders{ii}, 'C:\Users\Dani\Documents\PORTUGAL\Pasta_Erros','f')
Rik on 21 Apr 2018
You can't have two files with the same name in the same folder.
Stephen23 on 21 Apr 2018
Edited: Stephen23 on 21 Apr 2018

"How to save text files with the exactly same name, in the same folder?"

I don't know of any OS that allows that. Is it allowed to number the filenames?

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Answers (1)

Jan on 21 Apr 2018
Edited: Jan on 21 Apr 2018

The code is strange. Using the message replies by fileattrib is a slow and indirect way to count the number of files in a folder. Comparing the last 3 character of the file names is not save, when a file is called e.g. "file.mtxt". Faster and easier:

FileList = dir(fullfile(mainFolder, '*.txt'));
FileList([FileList.isdir]) = [];  % A folder can have a file extension also
for ii = 1:numel(FileList)

For the actual question: This cannot work, as mentioned in the comments already, because the file names must be different.


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