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How to set data from a given model

2 views (last 30 days)
azdoud youssef
azdoud youssef on 27 Dec 2017
Commented: azdoud youssef on 27 Dec 2017
I have read about GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) the mean idea is to generate a model from an unknown distribution. as below
I want to have the opposite of this method, I already have the model and a want to get distribution data. any help I'll be glad.
Kaushik Lakshminarasimhan
Kaushik Lakshminarasimhan on 27 Dec 2017
Do you mean you want to know how to randomly sample from a distribution? What is your model/distribution?
azdoud youssef
azdoud youssef on 27 Dec 2017
yes, like Epanechnikov, triangle or Gaussian

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