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Latest Date Entry Record

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Faustino Quintanilla
Faustino Quintanilla on 22 Nov 2017
I have a large data set that contains multiple tests for the same pieces of equipment over many years. How can I isolate the latest test results only for the various pieces of equipment? There is a date stamp and equipment id and test results.
For example, for motor X, what are the last or current oil reports and ignore previous old test.
KL on 22 Nov 2017
how do you store your data?
Faustino Quintanilla
Faustino Quintanilla on 22 Nov 2017
I have the information in a table. The table is updated daily with new test information.

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Accepted Answer

KL on 22 Nov 2017
use sortrows,
sortedTable = sortrows(yourTable,'timestampColumnName')
Faustino Quintanilla
Faustino Quintanilla on 27 Nov 2017
Here is the code used. Where do I add the T1(end,:)?
for x=1:height(sortedTable)
T1 = sortrows(sortedTable(sortedTable.position_id==x,:),'sampledt_MAIN');
KL on 27 Nov 2017
Alright, you're extracting it for all equipments, so
T_latest = table;
for x=1:height(sortedTable)
T1 = sortrows(sortedTable(sortedTable.position_id==x,:),'sampledt_MAIN');
T_latest = [T_latest; T1(end,:)];
now, T_latest should have the last entries corresponding to all x.

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More Answers (1)

Faustino Quintanilla
Faustino Quintanilla on 27 Nov 2017
I get an error... "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals." The intent is remove duplicate rows that have a older date stamp.. How to I correct the error?


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