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Run Dos utilits in Matlab standalone applications

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi, All! Please help me to solve this mystery: I am creating matlab stand-alone application. It use some dos utilites (like wgrib.exe, cdo.exe, wget.exe) ( Example dos('cnvgrib.exe -g21 gfs.t06z.master.grbf00.10m.uv.grib2 11')
It perfectly works, before I compile it with mcc. Compiled application print an error, because it cannot launch сdo.exe, wgrib.exe, cvngrib.exe. However it works brilliantly using wget.
Why it can not use dos utilites (all exept wget.exe) after compiling? Thanks for your help!
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 25 Apr 2012
Please delete you duplicate question:
Jan on 25 Apr 2012
I have deleted the duplicate post.

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