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How to write the following function?

2 views (last 30 days)
Walter Nap
Walter Nap on 5 Oct 2017
Closed: John D'Errico on 5 Oct 2017
Hello, during some questions for Linear Algebra, I encountered this one and have not managed to solve it ever since. I am not asking for the literal answer here as I will not learn anything from that, I am merely asking for a hint (or two) that could put me on the right path. Thank you! Consider this iterative process: x(n+1) = A*x(n), n = 0,1,..., where A=[1.0596,-0.1994;0.1216,0.8651] and x(0)=[3;8]. We have to start with function X = Exercise4(v) with vector v as input vector (I had to use the entries of this vector, and a few other scalars etc. to get to A and x(0) but that was fairly straightforward so no questions there). Now the tricky part: The function should implement the iterative process and return the output in the matrix X. The iterative process should stop when the norm ∥x(n)∥ = root(x(n)T*x(n)) where x(n)T is the transpose of x(n) (also, why double absolute brackets?) is smaller than 0.01. The final number of iterations should be displayed in the Command Window when executing the function. Finally, the function should plot the path in R2 obtained by the sequence of all iterates, starting from x(0) until the last point.
I know it is a long question and I will be forever grateful to the person willing to help me. Thank you very much in advance!

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