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edf to Matlab conversion?

4 views (last 30 days)
Oddur Bjarnason
Oddur Bjarnason on 18 Jul 2017
Commented: Oddur Bjarnason on 21 Jul 2017
I need to convert edf to Matlab. I have tried to use edfRead. The function call is
function [hdr, record] = edfread('aesa1.edf')
But I get the following error message:
Error: File: edfread.m Line: 1 Column: 34 Unexpected MATLAB expression.
Can you help me?
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Oddur Bjarnason
Oddur Bjarnason on 21 Jul 2017
Where do you place your datafile before running edfRead?

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Answers (1)

Harsh on 21 Jul 2017 From the link above, I was able to download and run the function on a sample file from such as [hdr,datastream] = edfread('r01.edf').
It's possible that the file is corrupted or has been modified in some way. Try to run it with a new install of the function. As this is a file exchange submission, it is best to reach out to the author should this issue persist.
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Oddur Bjarnason
Oddur Bjarnason on 21 Jul 2017
I reinstalled edfRead and ran it with your data.
function [hdr, record] = edfread('r01.edf')
I got the following error code
Error: File: edfread.m Line: 1 Column: 34 Unexpected MATLAB expression.
Before I ran the function I got the following pop-up message:
"Invalid syntax at 'r01.edf'.Possibly a ),}, or ] is missing.
Can you help me?

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