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NI Instruments USB 6251 - Edge Counter

1 view (last 30 days)
Christos on 1 Apr 2012
Hi all!
I am trying to get the Edge Counter value from ni usb 6251 data aquisition card using analog session based interface in MATLAB R2011b. I always get the value zero from variable count. I have written the following code:
ai = analoginput('nidaq','Dev1');
hwinfo = daqhwinfo(ai);
s = daq.createSession('ni');
count = s.inputSingleScan;
I have been used the driver software and i got the Edge Counter value successfully.
Thank you a lot.

Answers (1)

Christos on 10 Apr 2012
I have found the answer from myself. the defualt bin is PFI8 and i used PFI7 so i changed the wire to correct bin on ni board
Thanks a lot


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