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Comparision of data names

1 view (last 30 days)
Veilchen1900 on 7 May 2017
Commented: Veilchen1900 on 9 May 2017
Hi, I want to read images into the workspace and compare the image names with the image names stored in a cell array. My aim is to get the row from the cell aray where the image names are identical. The cell array contains data from an excelsheet (first column = name of image, second-fifth columns = values). With the code below I only get the name of the first image in dir. How do I get the position of the second, third,..image (stored in dir) from the cell array? Thanks in advance.
My code:
files = dir('*.tiff');

Accepted Answer

Jan on 8 May 2017
Edited: Jan on 8 May 2017
t = {};
[Lia, Locb] = ismember(CellArray, t);
Or perhaps:
[Lia, Locb] = ismember(CellArray(:, 1), t);
[Common, Index] = intersect(CellArray(:, 1), t);

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