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Detecting objects by template

2 views (last 30 days)
Hey, I'm working on an object detection. I have an image from multiple objects:
and want to find all screws, for example of this type:
Currently im trying to extract the screws edges using the canny algorithm. Then I want to use the generalized Hausdorff measure to search for it:
I'm not sure whether this is the right approach. Since I am a newbe maybe you can give me some hints for the best practices? Note that this should work for multiple objects and images. I tried using the image gradient and boundarys, too. But this failed because I could not get meaningful contours. It would be great to work with contour snippets, which would not make it neccessary to extract the whole object.
Thanks in advantage

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 11 Mar 2017
But first you'll have to extract the objects. To do that you should use better lighting, for example bottom up light, like a radiologists light box, to produce silhouettes. Or else use a broad overhead light source to eliminate shadows.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Mar 2017
Try increasing your tolerance. Also work on getting a better segmentation so that you don't have big black "bays" going into your objects. You may also have to compute a feature vector with several metrics rather than just rely on Hu's moments.
Pete McEldowney
Pete McEldowney on 27 Jul 2017
I was also trying to figure out SVD and LSF from that video too - I'm still looking but all sources are very mathematical ...

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More Answers (1)

Pete McEldowney
Pete McEldowney on 27 Jul 2017
Those holes on the bolt masks look like reflectance - either fill using code, or alter the ilghting - make it more diffuse? Or from behind the scene. Harris corner features might work OK as extra identification aids.

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