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Connection to a database

2 views (last 30 days)
Fragkiskos Nikolakis
Fragkiskos Nikolakis on 12 Jan 2017
Edited: the cyclist on 12 Jan 2017
I have a script in which data from an ORACLE database are called. The problem is that the connection isn't always succesfull. After 3-4 attempts the connection is succesfull. Do you know why does ths happen? Thanks
the cyclist
the cyclist on 12 Jan 2017
Are you certain that it is not something outside of MATLAB that is failing? It would be unusual for the code itself to be a source of intermittent failure.
Fragkiskos Nikolakis
Fragkiskos Nikolakis on 12 Jan 2017
Edited: the cyclist on 12 Jan 2017
the query for the database is
% Set preferences with setdbprefs.
s.DataReturnFormat = 'dataset';
s.ErrorHandling = 'store';
s.NullNumberRead = 'NaN';
s.NullNumberWrite = 'NaN';
s.NullStringRead = 'null';
s.NullStringWrite = 'null';
s.JDBCDataSourceFile = '';
s.UseRegistryForSources = 'yes';
s.TempDirForRegistryOutput = 'Path';
s.DefaultRowPreFetch = '10000';
% Make connection to database. Note that the password has been omitted.
% Using ODBC driver.
conn = database('Base','usr','pswd');
% Read data from database.
e = exec(conn,selected_fields1);
e = fetch(e);
% Assign data to output variable.
Vessel_Data = e.Data;
% Close database connection.

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