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How do I plot a temporary variable in a parfor loop?

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm trying to make a surf plot with a parfor loop:
hold on
h=waitbar(0,'Please wait, generating figure');
for i=1:N
for r=linspace(.1,15,40) % sphere radius
h=surf(XFoci(i) + r*x,YFoci(i) + r*y,ZFoci(i) + r*z,'facecolor',clr(ic(i),:),'edgecolor','none');
end % for r=linspace(.1,10,40) % sphere radius
end % for i=1:N
Other than the fact that I have to change r to be integer numbers (no problems), I'm not sure how to parallelize the surf ploting using parfor.
Thanks, Guy

Accepted Answer

Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis on 12 Dec 2016
Unfortunately, parallel pool workers are separate MATLAB processes, and they cannot access the same figure handles that your desktop MATLAB client creates. Workers can create graphics, but each worker does so independently, so you cannot have multiple workers collaborate on a figure. After a worker has produced graphical output, the next step is to use print to output it to a file - workers cannot display graphics on-screen.
  1 Comment
Guy Nir
Guy Nir on 12 Dec 2016
Thanks Edric, but I am interested in printing 1 figure which is the output of all workers. I did however created a cell array of spheres in parallel, and then plot the cell array with surf not in parallel.

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More Answers (1)

kira on 27 Jan 2022
Edited: kira on 27 Jan 2022
maybe what it is decribed here can help you.


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