Implement solution of differential equation within another differential equation

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I am working on a project that requires the solution of a differential equation to be used within another differential equation, however when I attempt to create a new file I get the error message:
*Error using feval Undefined function 'acceleration' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in odearguments (line 87) f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
Error in ode45 (line 115) odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in Acceleration_solve (line 4) [t,U]=ode45('acceleration',tspan,U_0)*
Is there a way to implement the differential equation solution within the new differential equation? I will attach the code.
function U_prime=acceleration(t, U)
%%Solve differential equation and plot (This was defined in another file)
V_0=1.2; % Define initial condition for air volume [L]
tspan=[0:0.01:100]; % Define time span for solution [ms]
[t,V]=ode45('vol_air',tspan,V_0); % Solve ODE
idx=find(V<2); % Find all indexs where bottle has water
te=t(idx); % Find time of air expulsion
xlabel('Time [ms]')
ylabel('Volume of air in bottle [L]')
%%Variable definitions
Pa=101325; % Atmospheric pressure [Pa]
P0_psi=80; % Internal bottle pressure in PSI initial [PSI]
P0=(P0_psi*6894.76)+Pa; % Convert PSI to Pascal add 1 atm for gaugue pressure [Pa]
V_bottle=2; % Volume of bottle [L]
V_water=0.8; % Volume of water [L]
V_0=V_bottle-V_water; % Initial volume of air [L]
rho_w=1000; % Density of water [kg/m^3]
gamma=1.4; % Specific heat ratio for air (Cp/Ct)
Dn=0.022; % Nozzle diameter in metres [m]
An=(pi*(Dn^2))/4; % Nozzle exit area [m^2]
P=P0.*(V_0./V).^gamma; % Pressure at time t, P(t) [Pa]
R_gas=287; % Gas constant for air
T0=P0*(273.15/Pa); % Temperature at t=0, P0 initial PSI pressure [K]
T=P*(T0/P0); % Temperature at time t, T(t) [K]
g=9.81; % Gravitational acceleration on earth [ms^-2]
Cd=0.2; % Coefficient of drag
M_dry=0.1; % Dry rocket mass
M_air=P.*V./((R_gas.*T0).*1000); % Mass of air at time t Mair(t)
% M_air_true=find(M_air>0); % Check air mass never becomes negative
M_t=M_dry+M_air+(rho_w.*((2/1000)-(V./1000))); % Total mass at time t, M(t)
M_allowed=M_t(idx) % Mass of rocket under allowed conditions, i.e. V<=2.
%%ODE for acceleration
I have then run the ODE45 solver in a different file with the following code:
%%Solve differential equation and plot
xlabel('Time [s]')

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