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Creating a custom distribution gumbel in Distribution Fitting tool by setting k in the Generalized Extreme Value function to 0

7 views (last 30 days)
I want to create a Gumbel distribution (Generalized Extreme Value Type I, which is when k=0) in the distribution fitting toolbox. If I use the Generalized Extreme Value function, the k-value is set to what Matlab feel is appropriate. However, I want k to always be 0, since I always want to use the Gumbel function. I tried looking for a k value in LaplaceDistribution.m(the file that one should edit to create a custom distribution) but couldn't find anything. Do you have any idea how to edit this file to set k to 0, or should I do it in some other way?
I looked at creating the function outside of the toolbox and then I think it should look like this, with mu and sigma being what the distribution fitting toolbox decides.

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