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Error using kmeans Too Many input Arguments

2 views (last 30 days)
Ynne on 16 Oct 2016
Commented: Rik on 10 Aug 2021
Hello, Error using kmeans Too many input arguments. The code is below. It works when trying with matlab 7 but fails whith matlab 8.5.
Any indications please ?
[IDX,C] = kmeans(,PARA.class_n, 'Start','cluster', ... 'Maxiter',1000, ... 'EmptyAction','singleton', ... 'Display','off');

Accepted Answer

Jan on 16 Oct 2016
Which version of kmeans are you using? See:
which kmeans -all
Please post the complete error message. Perhaps "" contains a function, which does not have any output arguments. Without knowing your exact data, this cannot be guessed.
KiranKumar Makam
KiranKumar Makam on 10 Aug 2021
I am getting the same error for cluster
>>>Z = linkage(wcorr);
Error using cluster
Too many input arguments.
which cluster -all
/MATLAB Drive/EMGLab/m files/cluster.m
/MATLAB/toolbox/stats/stats/@gmdistribution/cluster.m % gmdistribution method
/MATLAB/toolbox/bioinfo/bioinfo/@phytree/cluster.m % phytree method
/MATLAB/toolbox/stats/stats/cluster.m % Shadowed
Rik on 10 Aug 2021
Which cluster function is your code expecting? The one from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, or from EMGLab?

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