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How to insert in Simulink a linear system with internal delays?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have do simulate in simulink a system with internal delay, for example G(s)= a(s)/(b(s)*exp(-tau*s)+c(s)), is it possible in simulink? Like by command line? Without pade approximation.
I've tried some trick with blocks (feedback, parallel etc..) but it did not work.

Answers (1)

Swarooph on 30 Aug 2016
You can create a transfer function or state space model in MATLAB using the control system toolbox. Then import that into Simulink using the LTI System block. The workflow is explained here .
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Kleberson Lima
Kleberson Lima on 30 Aug 2016
I've already tried this way. But my system (fourth order) looks like G(s)=(s+1)/((s+1)+(s+2)*exp(-s)). The LTI system works in command line (because, intrisically, the system is made an state space models) however doesn't in simulink (there's an error like "more zeros than poles").

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